
In some cultures, dimples are considered a sign of good luck and prosperity. Also, dimples help brighten a smile and add character. A natural dimple is usually formed when there is a small defect in the Buccinator muscle of the cheek. The skin overlying this small defect is stuck down to the underlying connective tissue and creates a dimple in the skin with smiling. Dimple creation surgery can replicate this naturally occurring process. It is possible to surgically create permanent dimples. Dimple creation surgery can be done on any type or sized cheek. You can decide where the dimples will be, or our cosmetic surgeon will suggest you the most optimal place for the dimples on your face.
The dimples on cheeks are usually considered as a cute sign by many and thus the demand for surgical creation of the dimples is increasing leaps and bounds in the present market. This is one of the safest and effective surgery and it is done under local anesthesia. It is an effective procedure for both men and women as it also provides a permanent result and adds some cuteness to your smile. This process is completed by creating a small depression in the muscle of the cheek region without leaving any external scars and thus this defect gives birth to the cutest smile in the world.
Also, this surgery is not so serious that you have to stay days and week in the hospital to recover as it is a simple surgery and it can be completed within an hour of surgery. There is no risk involved in this procedure and its safest one. Though reversing this procedure of dimple creation would need another surgical procedure in the form of recreation of the space between the skin and the muscle and injecting fat in that place to get rid of the muscle tension that created the dimple. If you want to place a dimple in that cheek of yours to get the cutest smile possible, Kindly visit us at our clinic or just book an appointment and our expert dentist would take care of that.